网页The Filter Vial fits in any autosampler that uses 12x32mm or 2mL vials . Most autosamplers such as Aijiren® and Aijiren Technology®. Where does the liquid go when you Filter Vials are equivalent to a syringe filter built into your HPLC vial.
网页A compounded sterile parenteral dosage form that will be parenterally administered. Coring. When needle damage to the rubber closure of a vial causes fragments to fall into the vial. Depth Filter. A filter than can filter solutions being drawn into or out of a syringe, but not both ways in the same procedure. Dialysis.
网页Corning Valor ® Glass is a boron-free glass packaged designed specifically for pharmaceutical use to eliminate delamination. Corning was able to maintain a glass network comprised of elements used in borosilicate vials, including silica and alumina while eliminating delamination. Valor Glass is converted using traditional processes.
网页Captiva フィルタバイアル 分析に必要な、バイアルに入っているサンプル量だけをろ過すればよい場合は、シリンジフィルタ、シリンジ、オートサンプラバイアル、セプタム、キャップを組み合わせた代替手段と比べて、短時間で、経済的に、環境に配慮した形でサンプルをろ過できます。
网页The purpose of this study is to clarify the presence of so much insoluble microparticles in the injections and to confirm the usefulness of the final filter for its removal. The test drugs used were Doyle ® 1 g vial, Cefotax ® 1 g vial, Minomycin ® 100 mg vial, Omegacin ® 0.3 g vial, Maxipime ® 1 g vial, Rocephin ® 1 g vial, Isovorin ® 25 mg vial, Diamox ® 500 mg vial
网页The pre-slit cap ensures easy and clean transfer of sample. Specifications. Dimensions: 12mm I.D x 33mm height. Material: Polypropylene vial, Cap Septa, PTFE/silicone. Fill
网页Our Whatman filters are used in a wide range of areas such as quality testing in the pharmaceutical industry and in the food and beverage industry, but also in research and in environmental monitoring. Whatman 6874-1302 GD/X 13 mm Syringe Filter, PTFE filtration medium, 0.2 um (150 pcs) Regular Price $487.28 Price $423.72. Add to Cart.
网页2019年3月14日 · If you’re one of the many people worried about broken glass particles in your glass ampoule when you break it open, then today’s article is for you. One of the biggest causes for concern in the medical and TRT community is broken glass particles when opening glass ampoules. Especially when drawing up your medication for []
网页フィルターバイアルは、サンプル濾過機能を併せ持つLCバイアルです。サンプルをバイアルに入れて押し下げるだけでサンプル濾過が完了し、そのままHPLC/ UPLCあるいはLC-MSで分析していただけます。サンプルの性質に合わせて5タイプから選択でき、それぞれ様々なフィルター材質およびポア